[8 Pillars of METACOGNITION] I. Academic and theoretical knowledge of cognitive abilities
Essential to CNS restoration and the development of superhuman intelligence.
[The 8 Pillars of METACOGNITION]
I. Academic & theoretical knowledge of cognition and cognitive abilities
II. Operational knowledge about the functionality of cognitive abilities, their cognitive freedom degrees and cognitive constraints
III. self-monitoring
IV. Self-regulation
V. Adaptation
VI. Recognition — Anagnorisis
VII. Discrimination — Diakrisis
VIII. Meta-awareness — Mnemosyne
I. Academic and theoretical knowledge of cognitive abilities
Knowledge of cognition refers to the academic and theoretical knowledge we have to gain about our own cognition, its operations, and abilities.
What are our mental tools and how do they work? What disrupts them and what speeds them up? How can we improve these abilities?
We need to know about our mental tools in order to use them appropriately [strengthen them too].
Cognition constitutes a dynamic and complex set of mental processes that contribute to [and operate according to] the hierarchical organization and representation of knowledge.
Every aspect of intelligence unfolds as knowledge being organized and transformed through processes of metacognition in hierarchically superior levels of consciousness.
Intelligence coincides with the levels of self-organization or in other words with the levels of metacognitive development we have achieved.
More specifically, cognitive processes are involved in the identification, selection, recruitment, processing, storage, organization, and transformation of a subject.
Cognition integrates mental processes that help us to perceive, attend, remember, think, categorize, reason, decide, and even feel [because emotions are part of cognition as they guide cognitive processes].
Theoretical knowledge about cognition and its functionality constitutes the first and indispensable step in order to train our metacognition by which we are capable of monitoring, regulating, and adapting our cognitive mechanism consciously.
Drigas, A., & Mitsea, E. (2020). The 8 Pillars of Metacognition. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(21), pp. 162–178. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v15i21.14907
[Note: Most of the information here was taken verbatim from the reference research article, or has been modified in some way to improve clarity of the translation, or to relate the information closer to the theme of this newsletter which aims to promote mechanisms of learning, behavior, and intelligence from a neurobiological systems perspective.
These are basically my notes molded into a lesson on metacognition. I like to revisit my posts to learn the material. The platform is super aesthetic and the information is totally worth the read.]
[Note: Most of the information here was taken verbatim from the reference research article(s), or has been modified in some way to improve clarity of the translation, or to relate the information closer to the theme of this newsletter which aims to promote mechanisms of learning, behavior, and intelligence from a neurobiological systems perspective.
These are basically my notes molded into a lesson on metacognition. I like to revisit my posts to learn the material. The platform is super aesthetic and the information is totally worth the read.]
This is a newsletter that aims to promote behavioral and biological mechanisms of learning and intelligence with the specific goals to provide tools for you to restore and optimize your nervous system. Information will be rooted in cognitive neuroscience and related fields like developmental and behavioral psychology and neurophysiology. If you like what I’m organizing here, consider supporting me by purchasing a T-shirt or wallpaper from my Etsy store!
We are limitless machines.