[8 Pillars of METACOGNITION] IV. Self-regulation
The ability to change, to regulate and to fine tune cognition via decisions about cognitive abilities themselves as well as one's mental and emotional states.
[The 8 Pillars of METACOGNITION]
I. Academic & theoretical knowledge of cognition and cognitive abilities
II. Operational knowledge about the functionality of cognitive abilities, their cognitive freedom degrees and cognitive constraints
III. Self-monitoring
V. Adaptation
VI. Recognition — Anagnorisis
VII. Discrimination — Diakrisis
VIII. Meta-awareness — Mnemosyne
What is Self-regulation?
Self-regulation processes and executive functioning
Capacity and deficiencies of Self-regulation
Improvement of Self-regulation
The Consciousness-Intelligence-Knowledge Pyramid: an 8x8 Layer Model
[What is self-regulation?]
Self-regulation constitutes a set of ongoing, dynamic, and adaptive modulations by oneself on his or her internal state on a cognitive, emotional, and behavioral level.
Broadly speaking, self-regulation involves top-down and bottom-up processes that mutually influence one another altering emotion, behavior, or cognition in an attempt to enhance adaptation.
[Self-regulation processes and executive functioning]
Both self-regulation and executive function share the same brain regions, such as the prefrontal cortex, that influence the functions of higher-order mental abilities.
Cognitive Neuroscience research suggests that successful self-regulation as well as executive function, rely on top-down control from the prefrontal cortex over the subcortical regions involved in reward and emotion.
Working memory supports the active representation of self-regulatory goals, and the means by which these goals will be achieved. Working memory can also help us redirect executive attention away from tempting stimuli, visual distractors, desire-related thoughts and emotions.
Sustained attention resembles a 'passive' inhibition control mechanism, which shields goals from other competing goals and distracters that entail automatic or impulsive responses.
Working memory capacity permits us to focus our attention on goal-relevant information by regulating our thoughts and showing less mind wandering.
Although memory is viewed as a 'cold' cognitive concept, it may be implicated in the regulation of negative emotions and other stressful thoughts.
Active inhibition constitutes a hallmark of successful self-regulation. This type of inhibition is characterized by a “Do not do X” frame by which habits and impulses are inhibited so as to prevent the expression of impulsive behaviors
Task-switching assists the self-regulatory mechanism by making us more flexible with 'rigid' goals. High task-switching ability allows us to achieve the same goal, replacing sub-optimal means with alternative ones. It also allows us to disengage from a short-term goal in favor of a long-term goal.
[Capacity and deficiencies]
Despite our impressive capacity for self-regulation, failures are common and result in losing control of our cognitive, emotional, and behavioral operations in a variety of circumstances.
Self-regulation collapse, in some forms, is related to many mental disorders such as attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], autism spectrum disorder [ASD], addiction, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, habit disorders, eating disorders, some personality disorders.
In the modern world, threats to the self-regulation mechanism are not only multifaceted but also interrelated. Every self-regulation failure gradually affects every aspect of our existence [physical to spiritual]
Cognitive neuroscience research suggests that self-regulatory failure can occur because of insufficient top-down control and overwhelming bottom-up impulses.
Most self-regulation and self-control failures derive from:
impairments in the prefrontal cortex [working memory, executive control],
imbalance between the prefrontal and amygdala [alarm] circuit or prefrontal and sub-cortical regions [limbic system is subcortical]
the dominance of the mesolimbic reward system, and other dysregulations of the dopamine system,
dysregulation of the insular cortex [cognition-emotion integration]
Dysregulation of the aforementioned neural regions manifest as a variety of disturbances such as:
negative emotions and moods,
increased anxiety [autonomic arousal],
lapse-activated consumption,
depletion of cognitive and self-regulation functions.
When the prefrontal cortex bridles the amygdala, we are able to control emotions, anxiety, as well as attitudes and prejudice
Prefrontal cortex activity is associated with long-term decision-making, where as subcortical activity with impetuous decision-making.
Despite the variability in the neural regions that are engaged in different types of regulation, the nature of self regulation is constant.
It is important to note that we might be unaware that stimuli from our environment activate implicit cognitive processes that influence our behavior.
[Improvement of self-regulation]
Self-regulation and executive functions can be improved via repeated practice and training.
Attention can be trained as a metacognitive and conscious process.
Mindfulness thinking exercises have been found to enhance internal attention towards negative cognitions and strong emotions.
Research has shown that alpha-oscillations improve inhibitory abilities.
Physical activity and aerobic exercises have been proven beneficial to brain structure function, cognition, and academic achievement
Higher fit children have larger brain volumes in the basal ganglia and the hippocampus which relate to superior performance on tasks of cognitive control and memory.
[The Consciousness-Intelligence-Knowledge Pyramid: an 8x8 Layer Model]
[See figures on Semantic Scholar]
According to the 8-layer model of intelligence, knowledge, and consciousness, the process of acquiring knowledge is hierarchically structured.
Each higher level of the pyramid is a higher state of self-organization, self-awareness, and self-consciousness.
In the lower levels we employ the regulatory processes by which stimuli perceived through the senses are appropriately manipulated into something more coherent and processable, in other words sensory information is transformed into data.
In turn, data needs to be correlated and transformed into higher-order information, using the corresponding regulatory rules governed mainly by attention and memory.
While we make efforts to transform information to knowledge, we are simultaneously confronted with our personal experiences, beliefs, and values that critically influence the way we form new knowledge and, as a consequence shape our reality.
In the aforementioned levels, our regulatory mechanism should function in a more flexible and refined way, so as to detect any cognitive dissonances or false beliefs that inevitably lead us to the vicious circle of illusions [limbic-hell-loops?].
With a higher level of expertise, we should be able to overcome cognitive and emotional limitations, so as to creatively solve new problems, to “recognize” the stability of the true knowledge inside its eternal alterations and returns.
Ascending the highest levels, we meet few people that dare to cross the “river” of remembrance, so as to “resolve their craving” for spiritual knowledge.
Specifically, at the level of self-actualization, we regulate those societal pressures that impose social masks on us, and we transition to the Self we are capable of being and willing to be.
At the level of Universal Knowledge, self-regulation constitutes another tool in a master's hands enabling us to relate to the unrelated, to see what others don't.
Finally, reaching the first top of transcendence, self-regulatory mechanisms attain the forgetfulness of Self, as well as the absolute synchronization between Self and Universe.
Drigas, A. S., & Pappas, M. A. (2017). The Consciousness-Intelligence-Knowledge Pyramid: An 8x8 Layer Model. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 5(3), pp. 14–25. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijes.v5i3.7680
[Note: Most of the information here was taken verbatim from the reference research article(s), or has been modified in some way to improve clarity of the translation, or to relate the information closer to the theme of this newsletter which aims to promote mechanisms of learning, behavior, and intelligence from a neurobiological systems perspective.
These are basically my notes molded into a lesson on metacognition. I like to revisit my posts to learn the material. The platform is super aesthetic and the information is totally worth the read.]
This is a newsletter that aims to promote behavioral and biological mechanisms of learning and intelligence with the specific goals to provide tools for you to restore and optimize your nervous system. Information will be rooted in cognitive neuroscience and related fields like developmental and behavioral psychology and neurophysiology. If you like what I’m organizing here, consider supporting me by purchasing a T-shirt or wallpaper from my Etsy store!
We are limitless machines.